Custom Sheds: Add Rustic Charm to Your Yard With Barn-Style Custom Sheds

Barn-style custom sheds add a rustic charm and extra storage space to your property. They’re available in a variety of sizes and siding options.

barn-style custom shedsA shed becomes a barn when you add stalls or partitions for animals. It provides the animals with a comfortable place to live.

A wood shed has a natural, warm look that’s hard to match. It can also withstand harsh weather conditions. For quality barn-style custom sheds, check this out.

Barn Doors

Barn doors add a rustic touch to any shed while offering a unique look. They can also increase the storage capacity of a mini barn or high barn by providing additional space for larger equipment.

Modern barn doors are a popular decoration trend in many homes. They offer a stylish aesthetic while optimising wall space. These doors can also be customised to fit specific dimensions and accommodate unconventional spaces for a custom look.

If you’re looking for a multi-use space that can double as an office, workshop, or even a vacation cabin, consider adding a porch to your shed. This feature will allow you to access your out-of-the-way items comfortably while enjoying the beauty of your new personal escape. Room dividers are another popular addition that helps to separate your space and allow light in from multiple directions.

Built-In Shelving & Countertops

The classic barn shed style is an excellent option for those who appreciate a rustic aesthetic and want plenty of storage space. These sheds are a good choice for a workshop, tool shed, home office or vacation cabin.

Because of the traditional gambrel roof design, these sheds offer plenty of overhead space and lofts for additional storage. It makes them ideal for storing yard tools, equipment or even large items such as a riding mower or a tractor.

Sheds can also be customised with additional options like shelves, benches or custom cutouts. Additionally, electrical connections can be installed to allow you to power your shed’s electronics and tools. These options can be added to any shed to transform it into your perfect backyard retreat.

Storage Loft

Adding a loft in your shed is a great way to expand your shed’s storage capabilities. This feature allows you to store items near the roof so they won’t be damaged by rainwater that would otherwise flow to the ground and damage objects on the floor.

Additionally, storing items in the loft keeps them out of sight and off the floor, preventing you from tripping over them and reducing clutter. It will also prevent them from being exposed to pests or rodents that like to crawl underneath things.

Our barn-style sheds come standard with a 4′ loft in buildings under 16′ long and two 4′ lofts in buildings 16′ and over. This extra space can store out-of-season gear or longer-term storage items.

Electrical Connections

Adding electricity to your shed can transform it into a functional workspace where you can use power tools, work on a hobby, or store equipment. It can also help protect items from freezing and make your shed more comfortable.

Exterior Design

A barn-style shed is a classic, iconic structure that embodies traditional farm aesthetics and adds rustic charm to any yard. Whether you’re looking for a place to store your tools and supplies or an outdoor workshop, our high barn-style sheds can help.

A gambrel-style roof gives these structures lofted ceilings and extra storage space, making them perfect for oversized items like lawnmowers or equipment. With the proper setup, these sheds can also serve as a creative workspace to indulge in your hobbies or work on DIY projects. We can also include specialised features like a sturdy workbench and overhead lighting to enhance productivity. You can create a shed that suits your needs with unlimited customisation options.

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